Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern


“… örtlich und zeitlich flexibel studieren”

CLASSIC vhb-Kursprogramm



Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
14.10.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 14.03.2025 23:59 Uhr
14.10.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 14.03.2025 23:59 Uhr
Kursbearbeitung / Kurslaufzeit
14.10.2024 bis 14.03.2025
Freie Plätze
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Evi Hartmann
Details zur Anrechnung in den FAQs
Ing.-Wissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Ing.-Wissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Uni-Studierende
Nutzbar im Studiengang

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU):

  • Bachelor International Business Studies
  • Bachelor International Economic Studies

OTH Regensburg:

  • Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre
  • Bachelor Europäische Betriebswirtschaftslehre

HAW Landshut:

  • Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre

OTH Amberg-Weiden:

  • Bachelor Logistik & Digitalisierung
  • Bachelor International Business

TH Nürnberg:

  • Bachelor International Business and Technology
Geeignet für Berufsfeld

(Young) Professionals in global logistics and supply chain management

Online Prüfungsanmeldung

Industry X.0 and Supply Chain Management

zum Kurs anmelden Anmeldung: Anmeldefrist läuft
Sie müssen Sich einloggen, bevor Sie sich zu diesem Kurs anmelden können



The aim of the course is to impart the basics of operations and supply chain management related to the industrial transformations. Starting with basics such as supply chain planning, supply chain processes and supply chain strategies with continuous reference to digitization, the focus shifts to Industry 4.0 and the associated principles, technologies and IT systems. Moreover, the topics sustainability and Industry 5.0 are covered.

It consists of 10 lectures, which are enriched by guest lectures, case studies, additional readings as well as exercises and self-assessments. As the entire lecture, the readings, the additional material and the exam is in English, proficiency in German is not necessary.

Learning outcomes:

The following learning objectives are anticipated:

  • You will be able to define the topic of supply chain management and the connection with digitization
  • You will be able to classify current developments and their effects on supply chains
  • You will be able to classify, evaluate, model and optimize supply chain processes
  • You will be able to use, evaluate and select technologies and systems for projects depending on the application
  • You will be able to classify special features of intercultural supply chains and manage them actively
  • You will be able to include sustainability aspects in supply chains in all corporate decisions and systematically compare and evaluate them
  • You will be able to identify future trends for global supply chains and understand their impact on the economy, industries, companies and individuals and apply them to your own use cases
  • You will be able to work creatively, generate new ideas, and solve problems regarding supply chain management and digitization in an international context
  • You will be able to demonstrate the ability to engage in critical thinking by analyzing complex situations, thus concluding and selecting viable solutions to solve problems
  • You will be able to manage, organize and discipline yourself, and plan your time independently.


Module 1: Theoretical foundations of operations, supply chain management, and digital transformation
Module 2: From history to current trends and developments
Module 3: Supply chain strategy and dynamics
Module 4: Supply chain processes
Module 5: Supply chain planning
Module 6: Principles of Industry 4.0
Module 7: Technologies in operations and supply chain management
Module 8: IT systems in supply chains
Module 9: Sustainable Industry 4.0
Module 10: Industry 5.0

Detaillierter Inhalt:

Every module consists of an interactive lecture and script. Additional material and exercises enhance the presented topics further. The course is supposed to provide the students with the following content concerning scm related to the industrial transformations:

Module 1: Theoretical foundations of operations, supply chain management, and digital transformation
In the first part, the theoretical foundations of supply chain management and digitization are given. To show the importance and leverage of digitization and supply chain management, different maturity models as well as value drivers are shown.

Module 2: From history to current trends and developments
In the second part, the history of the purely physical processes of goods movement up to today's holistic management of digital ecosystems is presented. Thereby, the different industrial revolutions, as well as the development of the role of logistics and supply chain management are addressed.

Module 3: Supply chain strategy and dynamics
In the third part, the topics of supply chain strategy and supply chain dynamics are presented. Different forms of supply chain strategy and the steps required to define a supply chain strategy are shown. In addition, supply chains from various industries are examined in an international context and selected supply chain dynamics are presented.

Module 4: Supply chain processes
In the fourth part, an overview of key supply chain processes is given. Building on this, a deep dive into different topics – e.g., performance management and supply chain modeling – with continuous reference to digitization are presented.

Module 5: Supply chain planning
In the fifth part, the different planning horizons within supply chains are presented. In addition to the detailed description of general planning activities, the lecture focuses on the influence of digital technologies within the framework of the Industry 4.0 concept on the planning of the supply chain and the planning sub-processes considered in the following.

Module 6: Principles of Industry 4.0
In the sixth part, the previously presented topics are linked to the digitalisation of supply chains. For this purpose, the principles of Industry 4.0 and Smart Supply Chain Management will be presented. After an overview of the principles from a theoretical point of view, selected principles will be dealt with in more detail.

Module 7: Technologies in operations and supply chain management
In the seventh part, relevant technologies related to international supply chains are presented. The students are provided with an overview of the technologies as well as their maturity levels, use cases and implementation strategy. The technologies are divided and addressed in four categories: connectivity, analytics, human-machine interaction, and operations.

Module 8: IT systems in supply chains
In the eighth part, IT systems are dealt with, building on the previous lectures. An overview is given and selected systems are presented. In addition, the requirement for implementing IT systems as well as the implementation process in context of Industry 4.0 are presented.

Module 9: Sustainable Industry 4.0
In the ninth part, the megatrends sustainability and digitization are considered integrated. After giving an overview of sustainability, the relation between the topics from a theoretical as well as practical perspective are presented.

Module 10: Industry 5.0
In the tenth part, an outlook is given on the developments in the course of Industry 5.0, mainly from a theoretical perspective.




Virtuelle Vorlesung

Interaktionsformen mit dem System/Betreuer:

Chat, Übungsaufgaben für Selbstlernbetrieb, E-Mail, Kooperation Lerner/Betreuer bei der Aufgabenbearbeitung

Interaktionsformen mit Mitlernenden:

Chat, Forum


zur Kursdemo


Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Digitalisierung, Nachhaltigkeit, Industrie 4.0



Ing.-Wissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Ing.-Wissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Uni-Studierende

Nutzbar im Studiengang:

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU):

  • Bachelor International Business Studies
  • Bachelor International Economic Studies

OTH Regensburg:

  • Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre
  • Bachelor Europäische Betriebswirtschaftslehre

HAW Landshut:

  • Bachelor Betriebswirtschaftslehre

OTH Amberg-Weiden:

  • Bachelor Logistik & Digitalisierung
  • Bachelor International Business

TH Nürnberg:

  • Bachelor International Business and Technology

Geeignet für Berufsfeld:

(Young) Professionals in global logistics and supply chain management

Formale Zugangsvoraussetzungen:

Course enrolment via the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb)

Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:

English language proficiency

Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse bzgl. Handhabung der Lernplattform:




Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Evi Hartmann

Evi Hartmann, Christopher Münch

Masoud Mirzaei


Exam for students of all universities

Art der Prüfung:

schriftlicher Leistungsnachweis (Klausur)


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Evi Hartmann


Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das WWW.


14.10.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 28.11.2024 23:59 Uhr


14.10.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 10.12.2024 23:59 Uhr






16:00 bis 17:00


60 Minuten


FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg (WiSo - Lange Gasse 20, 90403 Nürnberg), OTH Amberg-Weiden (Standort Weiden)

Zustündiges Prüfungsamt:

Examination office of the students' home university

Zugelassene Hilfsmittel:

Non-programmable calculator; Dictionary

Formale Voraussetzungen für die Prüfungsteilnahme:

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen für die Prüfungsteilnahme:

Course content


Ja (Graded certificate of lecture participation (aka "benoteter Schein"))

Anerkennung an folgenden Hochschulen:

FH Amberg-Weiden, FH Landshut, FH Nürnberg (GSO), FH Regensburg, Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)

Sonstige Anerkennung:

Students at FAU will have the grade entered directly into MeinCampus and will NOT receive a graded certificate.




Written examination

Erforderliche Technik


Current version of a common web browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Firefox)





für andere Personen als (reguläre) Studenten der vhb Trägerhochschulen nach Maßgabe der Benutzungs- und Entgeltordnung der vhb



Hinweise zur Nutzung:



Kursprogramm WS24/25

Kursprogramm SS25