Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern


“… örtlich und zeitlich flexibel studieren”

CLASSIC vhb-Kursprogramm



FH Regensburg
You can access the demo version of the course via the corresponding button in the course description. This button will take you to a page where you can select the option "LOGIN as a guest".
01.10.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 15.12.2024 23:59 Uhr
01.10.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 07.01.2025 23:59 Uhr
Kursbearbeitung / Kurslaufzeit
01.10.2024 bis 01.02.2025
Freie Plätze
Prof. Dr. Christian Dach
Details zur Anrechnung in den FAQs
Informatik für FH-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Informatik für Uni-Studierende, Wirtschaftsinformatik für Uni-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Naturwissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Naturwissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Ing.-Wissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Ing.-Wissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Wirtschaftsinformatik für FH-Studierende
Nutzbar im Studiengang

OTH Regensburg:

  • Betriebswirtschaft (Bachelor)
  • European Business (Bachelor)

TH Deggendorf:

  • Industrial Engineering (Bachelor)
  • Energy Systems Engineering (Bachelor)

Geeignet für Berufsfeld

The course is particularly suitable for business administration students who see themselves working in sales after graduation. However, the subject of sales management can also be a useful addition outside the field of business administration - for example, for engineers or computer scientists who are aiming for a sales career after graduation.

Online Prüfungsanmeldung

Sales Management

 Anmeldung: Anmeldung nicht möglich - Anmeldefrist beachten

(including Digitalisation of Sales)



In B2B companies, sales is usually by far the most important marketing tool. Unfortunately, many students and large sections of the population have reservations about working in sales. This is often due to personal experience with pushy door-to-door or telephone salespeople. Such "hard selling" can certainly occur in the B2C sector. However, this course focuses on "soft selling", which is used in the B2B sector and is geared towards persuasion and a long-term business relationship.

Sales or sales management is a professional field in which relatively few business graduates specialize, although there is a very high demand for personnel here - presumably due to the negative image just mentioned. This course aims to dispel these prejudices and at the same time highlight the positive aspects of the profession. The subject of sales management can also be a useful addition outside of business studies. For example, engineers or computer scientists who want to pursue a career in sales after graduating.

This course is designed to teach basic theories, concepts and methods of sales management. In addition, new digital methods of sales will be discussed. Using a mixture of instructional videos and interactive learning elements, this course covers the two main topics "Distribution Systems & Sales Channels" (B) and "Personal Sales" (C).

The first main chapter focuses on the question of whether consumer goods manufacturers should involve retailers (indirect sales) or prefer direct sales. The second main chapter focuses on personal selling. On the one hand, it deals with issues relating to the most effective sales approach possible and, on the other, with the successful management of large sales teams.

If you like to follow this course in German, go to the course named "Vertriebsmanagement".


A. Introduction
B. Distribution Systems & Sales Channels
B.1 Overview Sales Channels
B.2 Direct or Indirect Sales
B.3 The Choice of Sales Intermediaries
Mock Take Home Exam 1
C. Personal Sales
C.1 Overview Personal Sales
C.2 Organisation of Sales
C.3 Operational Sales Planning
C.4 Management of the Field Sales
D. Summary & Outlook
Mock Take Home Exam 2

Detaillierter Inhalt:

A Introduction
The course begins with an overview of the topic and a definition of the key terms.

B Distribution Systems & Sales Channels
The first major chapter deals with the various sales channels and the associated objectives from the manufacturer's perspective. What are the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect sales? This question is answered in Chapter B, among others. It also discusses why conflicts can arise between manufacturers and retailers and how the market power of retailers affects this. Practical examples, such as the discontinuation of funny frisch Chips at Edeka, illustrate the issue. In the age of amazon & Co., online sales are playing an increasingly important role - the opportunities and risks associated with this are also clarified in Chapter B. Finally, the horizontal sales structure and the choice of specific sales intermediaries are discussed in more detail. Interesting questions such as whether or not Apple should sell its discontinued models through a discounter are discussed here.

C Personal Sales
In the second main chapter, everything revolves around personal selling. Despite the many opportunities offered by the online world, personal sales and therefore the sales reps will remain important elements in the sales process. Chapter C.1 explains why this is the case. With regard to the best possible organization, C.2 deals with various specialization options, key account management, vertical and horizontal coordination and the allocation of sales territories. Chapter C.3 deals with operational sales planning. In the context of visit planning, a company must clarify many questions such as: How is the offer price determined? How are sales reps allocated to target and existing customers? And how is the optimum field sales size determined and calculated? The last subchapter C.4 deals with the management of the field sales and thus with various approaches to management style, incentive systems and employee performance appraisal.

D Summary & Outlook
Chapter D concludes with a summary of the topics covered and an outlook on trends in sales.

As part of the course, two Mock Take Home Exams (THE) are carried out, in which two exemplary questions are examined in depth in the form of a case study. The mock THEs serve as preparation for the exam.

Learning objectives:

  1. The students know the different types of distribution systems / sales channels and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Students understand the importance of personal selling in B2B business relationships and the role of field sales representatives.
  3. Students know the different models for the organisation, planning and management of field sales and can explain them.
  4. The students are able to make appropriate recommendations for the organisation, planning and management of field sales for a specific company example.




Virtuelle Vorlesung

Interaktionsformen mit dem System/Betreuer:

E-Mail, Chat

Interaktionsformen mit Mitlernenden:

E-Mail, Forum


zur Kursdemo


Sales, Digitization, Sales and Distribution, Sales Channels, Distribution, Sales Planning, Field Service, Sales Management



Informatik für FH-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Informatik für Uni-Studierende, Wirtschaftsinformatik für Uni-Studierende, Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Naturwissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Naturwissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Ing.-Wissenschaften für FH-Studierende, Ing.-Wissenschaften für Uni-Studierende, Wirtschaftsinformatik für FH-Studierende

Nutzbar im Studiengang:

OTH Regensburg:

  • Betriebswirtschaft (Bachelor)
  • European Business (Bachelor)

TH Deggendorf:

  • Industrial Engineering (Bachelor)
  • Energy Systems Engineering (Bachelor)

Geeignet für Berufsfeld:

The course is particularly suitable for business administration students who see themselves working in sales after graduation. However, the subject of sales management can also be a useful addition outside the field of business administration - for example, for engineers or computer scientists who are aiming for a sales career after graduation.

Formale Zugangsvoraussetzungen:

Course enrolment via the Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb)

Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse:


Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse bzgl. Handhabung der Lernplattform:




FH Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Christian Dach

Christian Dach

Luisa Sailer


Take Home Exam (90 minutes exam time + 30 minutes set-up time = 120 minutes)

Art der Prüfung:

schriftliche Prüfung


Prof. Dr. Christian Dach


Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das WWW.


18.11.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 20.12.2024 23:59 Uhr


18.11.2024 00:00 Uhr bis 13.01.2025 23:59 Uhr





120 Minuten



Zustündiges Prüfungsamt:

Examination office of the students' home university

Zugelassene Hilfsmittel:

No restrictions (open book incl. Internet access)

Formale Voraussetzungen für die Prüfungsteilnahme:

Registration for the exam via the vhb portal; stable Internet connection

Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen für die Prüfungsteilnahme:

Course Content


Ja (graded certificate)

Anerkennung an folgenden Hochschulen:

FH Deggendorf, FH Regensburg

Sonstige Anerkennung:

noch nicht bekannt




Case study; a presentation (PowerPoint) has to be submitted as a result.

Erforderliche Technik


Current version of a common web browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge, Firefox)





für andere Personen als (reguläre) Studenten der vhb Trägerhochschulen nach Maßgabe der Benutzungs- und Entgeltordnung der vhb



Hinweise zur Nutzung:



Kursprogramm SS24

Kursprogramm WS24/25